
Privacy Policy

Effective Date: October 29, 2020

Your privacy is important to JLIVE, Federation CJA and Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit (collectively, “JLIVE” , “we”, “us” or “our” ). This Privacy Policy applies to our activities in Canada and the United States and describes our practices with respect to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information, as well as any rights you may have with respect to your personal information (as defined in the Definition of “Personal Information” section).

If you are a California consumer, you may have additional rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act(“CCPA”), as detailed in the California Consumers section.


1. Scope and Application

This Privacy Policy relates to the personal information collected by JLIVE, operating as a joint venture of Federation CJA and Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit. This Privacy Policy applies whenever you interact with us, including when you visit our website or use our mobile applications on which this Privacy Policy is posted (collectively, the “Website”) or otherwise receive our services.

2. Definition of “Personal Information”

“Personal information” is any information that identifies, or could be reasonably associated with, an individual and their household (collectively, “individual” or“you”). This may include, for example, your name, contact information, email-address, and information relating to your account with us (as the case may be). It may also include other types of more technical information, but only when this information can identify you as an individual. Information that is aggregated and/or de-identified and cannot be associated with an identifiable individual is not considered to be personal information.

3. What Personal Information do we Collect?

We collect personal information in a variety of ways, including: directly from you, from third parties, and when you are interacting with us through our Website. We limit our collection of personal information to what is reasonably required to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected.

Personal information we collect may include:

  • Identifiers and contact information, such as your name, email and postal addresses, telephone number, Internet Protocol (IP) address (if it can identify you as an individual), photographs (if you upload them for your profile) or account information (for example, if you have downloaded our app or you have created an account upon signing up for our service);

  • Interests, such as performing arts, politics, or dating, types of activities, and the primary geographic area for which you are interested in discovering activities;

  • Demographic data, such as whether you are over 13 years of age, your lifestage, occupation, schooling, languages and your gender;

  • Transactional information, such as donation or event transactions and transaction history, as well as communications conducted with event planners or organizations through our Website in relation to event matters such as reservations, refunds, changes in schedule or venue;

  • Browsing activity on our Website, such as pages and events viewed, clickstream data, account login events, opt-out preferences, and IP addresses (as further detailed in the How we Collect Personal Information section) if it can identify you as an individual;

  • Connections, such as organizations you choose to follow and your organizational affiliations, your contacts within the Website and your contacts from social media or other sources (where you have provided permission for us to view them);

  • Religious affiliation, such as Conservadox, Conservative, Culturally Jewish, Hasidic, Modern Orthodox, Orthodox (Baal Teshuva), Orthodox (Frum), Reconstructionist, Reform, Traditional, or other;

  • Payment information, such as credit or debit card number when you make reservations or purchases;

  • Geolocation information may be collected when you download our app or use our Website, although this information may not identify you as an individual;

  • Any other information you provide to us (as further detailed in the How we Collect Personal Information section).

4. How we Collect Personal Information

We collect personal information in a variety of ways, including: directly from you, from other sources, through online technologies (such as when you are interacting with us through our Website) and from third-party social networks.

More specifically, we collect personal information in the following ways:

a. Directly From You

You may provide personal information to us by mail, by email, over the telephone, through our Website or in any other direct manner, for instance when you participate in a survey, make a request to our customer service or upload content to our Website or social network pages (including photos or videos).

For example:

When you voluntarily share information about yourself with us in order to join JLIVE, register for an event through JLIVE, fill out optional information in your user profile, or respond to surveys or emails, we will collect that information in order to provide you with our programs or services, respond to your inquiry, improve our services, or for any other purpose disclosed to you in this Privacy Policy or at the time of collection.

b. From Organizations

We may receive personal information from other organizations, including but not limited to organizations that use JLIVE to facilitate their programs and events. We may also receive your personal information from other sources with your consent or when authorized by law.

For example:

We may ask for your permission for an organization to release your personal information and share it with JLIVE, and we may share this permission with said organization when we facilitate a program or event held by that organization and made available through JLIVE, or when we partner with other organizations to provide certain programs or events.

c. Through Online Technologies

We may collect certain types of information electronically when you interact with our Website, email or social media accounts, online advertising, or through the use of our or a third party’s technologies, which include cookies, web beacons or single pixel gifs or analytics engines. This information supports the functioning of our Website, and helps us understand what actions you take on our Website and whether our website is working properly.

We may combine this information with other information such as your transaction history. We do this to support our customer understanding and to provide you with a more tailored user experience, including event recommendations and advertising. This includes serving interest-based advertising to you, subject to your right to withdraw consent. To learn more about the privacy choices available to you, please see Your Privacy Choices.

For example:

  • We may collect information about your device and your browser, clickstream data, event data, crash data, and other technical data when you visit our Website.
  • We may use your location to auto-select features when you visit our Website.
  • We may use your personal transaction information to provide you with interest-based advertisements on events you participate in frequently, or products or services related to such events or other interests.
  • We may collect, combine and categorize your personal information on an aggregated basis to identify transaction and other usage patterns to help us analyze the use of our services to better serve users.

The technologies we use include:

  • Cookies, which are small text files that are saved on your computer when you visit a website so that information can be saved between visits, such as your login credentials or language preferences. For example, cookies allow you to log in quickly when you visit our Website.
  • Web beacons, and single pixel gifs, which are small image files that have information about you, such as your IP address, that can be downloaded when you visit a website or open an e-mail. This allows us to understand your online behaviour, monitor our email delivery, and provide you with interest-based advertising. These tools also allow our third-party tracking tools to gather information, such as your IP address, and provide this back to us in an anonymized, aggregate form (i.e. in a manner that prevents us from identifying you personally). Aggregate information refers to personal information compiled and expressed in a summary form where no personal identifiers are included.
  • Other technologies, such as analytics engines, which pull usage data from multiple sources and help manage and collect this data to use for personalization, interest-based advertising, customizing content and other methods to gain insights into our customers’ needs and preferences.
  • With respect to our mobile application, we use Identifier for Advertising for iOS and Google Advertising ID for Android.

We may use Google Analytics and Firebase analytics services provided by Google Inc. Google Analytics uses cookies to analyze your use of our Website, to create reports about visitor activities for us and to provide further services associated with the use of the Website and the Internet, and Firebase provides analytics for mobile apps. We may also use Amazon Redshift, an analytics platform provided by Amazon Web Services, Inc., to analyze combinations of data collected in relation to events, marketing, views and clickthroughs. We may also use other third party tools, such as Fullstory, that permit us to replay user sessions for analysis of user behaviour and Website performance.

You may delete or disable certain of these technologies at any time via your browser or through your mobile device or app settings. However, if you do so, you may not be able to use some of the features on our Website. To learn more about the privacy choices available to you, please see Your Privacy Choices.

d. Third Party Social Networks

Third-party social networks that provide interactive plug-ins to enable social network features (e.g., to connect to Facebook) on the Website may use cookies to gather information on your use of the Website. How this collected data is used by a third party is dependent on the privacy policy of the social network which is available on the appropriate parties’ website. JLIVE encourages you to review the privacy policies of such third parties as well.

We may also obtain and use analytical and statistical information from third-party social networks to help us measure performance and effectiveness of content we display on social networks, for example, by measuring impressions and clicks on the content JLIVE promotes, or tracking what events you share through the social network, who you share them with, and the outcomes of those sharing events, such as whether it led someone to register for an event.

5. How we Use Personal Information

We may use all categories of personal information detailed in section 3 to provide you with services, to manage our operations, to communicate offers and information we think might interest you, to generally enhance your experience with us, and as otherwise permitted or required by law.

Learn more about how we use your personal information for: providing services, managing our operations, advertising, and conducting research and data analytics.

We use your personal information for the following purposes:

a. Providing Services

We use your personal information in order to provide programs, events and services, for instance:

  • Registering you for an event or service;
  • Verifying your identity;
  • Processing your transactions and refunds, where applicable;
  • Responding to your inquiries;
  • Taking or verifying instructions from you;
  • Creating, administering, and maintaining your accounts;
  • With your consent, to verify your credit when such verification is necessary for certain of our services;
  • Fulfilling your requests, inquiries, and purchases.

b. Managing Our Operations

We use your personal information to manage our operations, for instance:

  • Managing and facilitating the use of our Website, which may include using cookies and other similar technology (as further detailed in the How we Collect Personal Information section);
  • Enabling your participation in programs, events, contests, promotions, or surveys;
  • Maintaining the security of the public, our users and our employees;
  • Protecting ourselves and third parties from errors and fraud;
  • Monitoring and investigating incidents and managing claims;
  • Maintaining our services; and
  • Meeting our contractual, legal and regulatory obligations.

c. Advertising

We use your personal information to inform you about programs, events, services, promotions, contests, or surveys, both on our own behalf and those of third parties, that we believe may be of interest to you. We may do this in a variety of ways:

  • By communicating with you by email, telephone, SMS, direct mail;
  • By delivering online advertisements relevant for you; and
  • By customizing the content you see on our Website.

If you no longer wish to receive commercial electronic messages, please let us know by following the unsubscribe directions provided in every commercial electronic message. For more information on managing your marketing preferences, please see Your Privacy Choices.

d. Conducting Research and Data Analytics

We may use your personal information in order to conduct research and data analytics by tracking and analyzing current or previously collected information for the following purposes:

  • Improving or developing new services;
  • Managing and developing our operations;
  • Understanding user needs, preferences and behaviour, and customizing how we tailor services to our users based on their interests;
  • Measuring the effectiveness of our marketing; and
  • Understanding how visitors interact with our Website and ensuring it works correctly.

When possible, we will use your information in an aggregated and/or de-identified format.

6. How we Share Personal Information

We may share your personal information with Federation CJA and Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit, third party organizations that have joined JLIVE in order to provide a platform for their events and programs, and service providers (companies operating on our behalf) for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy and in accordance with applicable law. We do not sell your personal information to any organization or person; the only exception to this would be if we sell or transfer any part of our business. We will not share your personal information with any non affiliated third party without your prior consent, other than as provided in this Privacy Policy or as otherwise authorized by applicable law.

Learn more about how we may share personal information: with Federation CJA and Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit, with third party organizations, with third partyservice providers, in the course of asale or transfer of business or other transaction, for other permitted reasons, and with your consent.

a. Federation CJA and Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit

We may share your personal information with Federation CJA and/or Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit where they make use of JLIVE as organizers, i.e. as a platform for their own programs or events, or those that they are participating in as co-organizers, sponsors, or otherwise. Although we only share the personal information needed by Federation CJA and/or Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit to provide you with access to the relevant events or programs and communicate with you regarding such events or programs, as well as any optional information you choose to provide, once JLIVE shares such information with Federation CJA and/or Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit, it is no longer in the custody or under the control of JLIVE. Federation CJA and/or Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit, as applicable, may use that information to contact you or for other purposes in accordance with their own privacy policies. JLIVE encourages you to review the privacy policies of the relevant organization before registering for its events or programs.

We may also share information with Federation CJA and Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit in aggregated and/or de-identified format in order to permit each of them to conduct research and data analytics.

b. Organizations

We may share your personal information with third party organizations that use JLIVE as a platform for their events and programs. Although we only share the personal information needed by such organizations to provide you with access to the relevant events or programs and communicate with you regarding such events or programs, as well as any optional information you choose to provide, once JLIVE shares such information with such organizations, it is no longer in the custody or under the control of JLIVE. Those organizations may use that information to contact you or for other purposes in accordance with their own privacy policies. JLIVE encourages you to review the privacy policies of the relevant organization before registering for its events or programs.

c. Service Providers

In the course of providing our services we may share all categories of personal information detailed in the section What Personal Information do we Collect? with third party service providers who perform services on our behalf. These service providers help us operate our business, technology systems and applications, internal procedures, infrastructure and advertising and marketing. They provide services to us, such as fulfilling purchases, processing credit card payments, performing credit checks, sending emails and postal mail, call centres, data hosting, contest administration, providing advertisements, and analytics services (e.g. tracking effectiveness of our campaigns and analyzing usage of our Website). We require these service providers to limit their access to and/or use of personal information to what is required to provide their services and require that those third parties adhere to confidentiality as well as security procedures and protections.

d. Sale or Transfer of Business or Other Transaction

We may disclose personal information to a third party in connection with a sale or transfer of business or assets, an amalgamation, reorganization or financing of parts of our business (including the proceedings of insolvency or bankruptcy). In the event the transaction is completed, your personal information will remain protected by applicable privacy laws. In the event the transaction is not completed, we will require the other party not to use or disclose your personal information in any manner whatsoever and to completely delete such information, in compliance with applicable laws.

e. Other Permitted Reasons

Applicable laws may permit or require the use, sharing, or disclosure of personal information without consent in specific circumstances (e.g., when investigating and preventing suspected or actual illegal activities, including fraud, or to assist government and law enforcement agencies). These circumstances include situations when permitted or required by law or when necessary to protect JLIVE, our employees, our customers, or others. If this happens, we will not share more personal information than is reasonably required to fulfill that particular purpose.

f. With Your Consent

Other than the purposes listed above, we may, with your implied or express consent, share or disclose your personal information outside of JLIVE, in accordance with applicable laws.

7. Third Parties

Third parties, such as advertising partners, may use tracking methods such as but not limited to cookies to achieve their own business goals and purposes by relating and combining information about your usage of our Website to any other personal information they may have collected on you. We do not collect, use or disclose such information, which is subject to the privacy policies of the third party organization. JLIVE encourages you to review the privacy policies of such organizations as well.

8. How we Manage Consent

By joining JLIVE or registering for an event or program through JLIVE, responding to surveys or emails or otherwise submitting information to us in connection with using our services, you are providing your consent to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information as set out in this Privacy Policy. In some cases, your consent may be “implied” i.e. your permission is assumed based on your action or inaction at the point of collection, use or sharing of your personal information.

We will generally obtain consent when we want to use personal information for a new purpose or for a purpose other than those stated at the time of collection in this Privacy Policy or in the terms and conditions of a specific program, event, service, contest, or promotion you signed up for, participated in or purchased. Your consent can be withdrawn at any time, except in limited circumstances, including legal or regulatory requirements or as a result of your contractual obligations with us. For information on how to manage your privacy preferences, please see Your Privacy Choices.

If you choose not to provide us with certain personal information or if you withdraw your consent, where such withdrawal is available, we may not be able to offer you the programs, events, services, contests, promotions or information that you requested or that could be offered to you.

9. Your Privacy Choices

We want you to clearly understand your choices and make informed decisions about your privacy options. There are several options available for you to manage your privacy preferences, including, for example: managing your preferences within your account when applicable, contacting us directly, changing your browser settings on your device, and/or, where available, using third party unsubscribe functionality.

Learn more about how to change your privacy choices through your account, when you register or by contacting us directly, and using third party unsubscribe functionality.

a. Within your Account

If you have a JLIVE account, you can update your preferences within your account. Please see our help pages for more information.

b. When You Register or by Contacting Us Directly

You may opt in to receiving email or SMS communications at the time that you join JLIVE or register for an event or program through JLIVE, enter our contests, promotions or surveys, or any time thereafter through your online account. We may also have your implied consent to send you such marketing electronic communications under applicable laws.

You may opt out of:

  • Receiving email or SMS marketing communications, by clicking “unsubscribe” within any marketing email you receive, texting “STOP” within any SMS marketing you receive, or through preferences in your account (if you have created one);
  • Receiving interest-based advertisements by changing your browser settings on your device, and/or using third party unsubscribe functionality (e.g., via Google or Facebook) to change your preferences within their platforms. Please note that disabling, blocking or deleting some of these technologies, such as cookies, may cause you to lose the functionality of certain features on our Website.

Please note the following regarding withdrawal of consent or changes in your privacy preferences:

  • Even if you have opted out of receiving marketing communications from us, we may still contact you for transactional purposes, in compliance with applicable laws (e.g., for customer service, program or event information, or service or reminder notices). We may also need to contact you with questions or information regarding your customer service inquiries; and
  • It may take some time for all of our records to reflect changes in your preferences (e.g., if you request that you not receive personalized marketing communications from JLIVE, your preference may not be captured for a promotion already in progress).

c. Using Third Party Functionality

We may use third parties (e.g., web companies or social media platforms) that use certain technologies to analyze your browsing behaviour as you visit our Website. You can manage your privacy preferences with respect to certain third parties, such as Google, by using the unsubscribe functionality within their platforms. Please note that disabling, blocking or deleting some of these technologies, such as cookies, may cause you to lose the functionality of certain features on our Website.

For example, Google Analytics uses cookies to analyze your browsing behaviour on our Website. This information is not provided to us in a personally identifiable format and is collected through your ad settings on your device or browser. If you would like to opt out of Google’s ad settings, please go to www.google.com/settings/ads or use the Google opt out browser add-on located at https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

We also may embed links to other websites, including social media websites, on our Website. For more information about social media plug-in protocols, such as “Like” buttons on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram and their impact on your privacy rights, please visit the appropriate social media help centre (e.g., Facebook’s Help Center at https://www.facebook.com/help/).

10. How we Store and Safeguard Personal Information

We take the security of your personal information very seriously and are committed to protecting your privacy by using a combination of administrative, physical, and technical safeguards. Your personal information may be stored in foreign jurisdictions, in which case it will be subject to foreign laws. We store your personal information for as long as it is necessary to provide you with our services and for a reasonable time thereafter, or as permitted or required by law.

Learn more about how we protect personal information, where we keep personal information and cross-border transfers and how long we keep personal information.

a. How we Protect Personal Information

We employ organizational, physical and technological measures to protect the confidentiality of personal information and to safeguard personal information against loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification, in light of, among other things, the sensitivity of the information and the purposes for which it is to be used. These safeguards also apply when we dispose of or destroy your personal information.

b. Where we Keep Personal Information and Cross-border Transfers

We may store personal information within Canada or the United States. Some of our service providers may also access, process or store your personal information outside of the country where you reside. We use reasonable safeguards to ensure that our service providers protect your personal information wherever it is used or stored.

As a result, when your personal information is used or stored in a jurisdiction other than where you are residing, it may be subject to the law of this foreign jurisdiction, including any law permitting or requiring disclosure of the information to the government, government agencies, courts and law enforcement in that jurisdiction.

c. How Long we Keep Personal Information

We will store your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, except where otherwise required or permitted by law. Once no longer required, your personal information will be securely destroyed or anonymized (so the information no longer identifies you).

11. Accessing and Correcting Your Personal Information

You may have the right to access and rectify the personal information we hold about you under the law applicable in the jurisdiction where you reside. In this case, upon request, we will provide you with access to your personal information within a reasonable timeframe, in compliance with applicable laws. It is your responsibility to provide accurate, correct and complete information.

You can request access or rectification by contacting the applicable Privacy Office as described in the “Who Can You Contact With Privacy Questions?” section. If you reside in California, please refer to the California Consumers section for more information on how to exercise your rights

12. California Consumers

This section describes the rights you have under the CCPA if you are a consumer residing in California.

The categories of personal information we collect about California consumers (and that we may have collected in the last twelve months) and the purposes for which we collect this personal information are listed, respectively, in sections What Personal Information do we Collect?, How we Collect Personal Information and How we Use Personal Information of this Privacy Policy. We do not sell your personal information. We may disclose all personal information we collect for business purposes to service providers (and may have done so in the last twelve months), as further detailed in the How we Share Personal Information section of this Privacy Policy.

d. Request to Know about the Personal Information we have Collected

Once every 12 months, you may submit a verifiable request that we disclose the following information to you:

  • The categories and specific pieces of personal information that we have collected about you in the last 12 months, as well as the sources from which personal informal is collected, the business and commercial purposes for collecting it, the categories of third parties with whom we have shared it; and
  • The categories of personal information about you that we have disclosed for a business purpose in the last 12 months.

e. Right to Request that we Delete your Personal Information

You may submit a verifiable request that we delete any personal information that we have collected about you, subject to the exceptions provided for by the CCPA.

f. Methods for Exercising your Rights

You may exercise these rights using one of the methods described in section 15.

g. Non-Discrimination Right

We will not, because you have exercised any of the rights detailed in this section 12, deny you any goods or services, charge different prices or rates for goods or services, or provide you with a different level or quality of goods or services.

13. Children

We do not knowingly request or collect personal information from children under 13 years of age without prior verifiable consent of his or her parent or legal guardian and complying with any other legal requirements. If we become aware that we have unknowingly collected personal information about a child without verifiable parental or legal guardian consent, we will delete this information from our records or take reasonable available steps to de-identify the information.

14. Changes To Our Privacy Policy

We may make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any changes we make will become effective when we post a modified version of the policy on our Website. If the changes we make are significant, we will provide a more prominent notice when required by applicable laws. By continuing to use our services after the modified version of the Privacy Policy has been posted or you have been informed of such update, you are accepting the changes to the Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to the changes in our Privacy Policy, it is your responsibility to stop using our services. It is your obligation to ensure that you read, understand and agree to the latest version of the Privacy Policy. The “Effective Date” at the top of the Privacy Policy indicates when it was last updated.

15. Who Can You Contact With Privacy Questions?

If you have any questions about how we handle your personal information, please contact us as indicated below. If you are participating in a program, event, promotion, contest or survey that is offered by us jointly with a third party, the third party may hold your personal information. If you have any questions or concerns, we will direct you to the appropriate party so that you may make enquiries as to that party’s privacy policies and practices.

If you are located in Canada:

[email protected]

Tel: 514-343-8708

Privacy Office, Federation CJA, 1 Cummings Square, Montreal, Quebec H3W 1M6 Canada

If you are located in the United States:

Tel: 248-642-4260

Privacy Office, Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit, 6735 Telegraph Rd #30, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301