Rites And Rituals, Customs And Commandments: Tell Me Why
We live our daily lives as dedicated to Judaism, yet the origins, backstories and histories of experiential Jewish life reveal that we often know little of what and why we do what we do as Jews. This course explores our life-cycle events and personal mitzvot, dietary and Shabbat restrictions, and the development of prayer and worship. Walk away with a proud understanding of why we, as Jews, do what we do.
Instructor: Rabbi Joseph Klein
Tuition: $170.00
Day/Time: Fri 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Location: This Class will be on ZOOM
Class Dates : 3/8/2024, 3/15/2024, 3/22/2024, 3/29/2024, 4/5/2024, 4/12/2024, 5/3/2024, 5/10/2024