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Religious Service
Jewish Holiday

Glowsticks & Gelt: A Chanukah Shabbat

Hosted by

All Ages

The community is invited to an evening of light & latkes as we celebrate Chanukah and Shabbat!


Shabbat Chanukah Dinner at 5:45pm

Join us for a Chanukah-themed Shabbat dinner and festive crafts.

Adults: $18/member; $25/non-member;

Children: $12/child age 5-12; no cost 4yrs and under.

(No cost for children in the T’fillah Kids choir)

Register for dinner by Friday, December 1st. 


Kabbalat Shabbat Service at 6:30pm (EARLY SERVICE TIME)

We are proud to feature our T’fillah Kids choir for an early Kabbalat Shabbat service.


Afterglow Following Services

Children and their families are invited to stay after the service for an incredible afterglow with a silent disco and sufganiot bar!

*Afterglow is geared toward children ages 12 and under, but all are welcome!

Questions? Connect with Kristin at [email protected].


Supported by the Stark Family Fund of Temple Israel.


  • Temple Israel
    5725 Walnut Lake Rd
    West Bloomfield Township, MI, 48323, United States of America

Organized By
Temple Israel
Point of Contact


  • Fri, Dec 8, 2023
  • 5:45 PM - 8:30 PM EST

Temple Israel

5725 Walnut Lake Rd
West Bloomfield Township, MI, 48323

from $12
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