Parsha Hashavuah (Weekly Torah Portion)
Each week a different rabbi, cantor or educator will present the weekly Torah portion from his or her own perspective. You never know who will be teaching each week, but it is always enlightening and engaging! Sign up for one ten-week series or the entire year.
Students need to have a Tanakh (Bible)
Instructors: Community Rabbis, Cantors and Educators
Tuition: $140 per 10-week Series
Day/Time: Fri 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Location: This Class will be on ZOOM
Class Dates:
Series 2: 1/12/2024, 1/19/2024, 1/26/2024, 2/2/2024, 2/9/2024, 2/16/2024, 2/23/2024, 3/1/2024, 3/8/2024, 3/15/2024
Series 3: 3/22/2024, 3/29/2024, 4/5/2024, 4/12/2024, 5/3/2024, 5/10/2024, 5/17/2024, 5/24/2024, 5/31/2024, 6/7/2024