Contemporary Halachic Debates: More Questions, Fewer Answers
Join Rabbi Faudem for a lively weekly discussion and debate on current, relevant topics. How does Halacha (Jewish Law) impact our everyday opinions and decisions? Participate in this round table discussion as Rabbi Faudem asks you to answer the question: “What are your questions, comments and concerns?”
Instructor: Rabbi Michele Faudem
Tuition: $115 per 8- week Series
Day/Time: Thu 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Location: This Class will be on ZOOM
Class Dates:
Series 2: 1/4/2024, 1/11/2024, 1/18/2024, 1/25/2024, 2/1/2024, 2/8/2024, 2/15/2024, 2/22/2024
Series 3: 3/7/2024, 3/14/2024, 3/21/2024, 3/28/2024, 4/4/2024, 4/11/2024, 5/2/2024, 5/9/2024