Ka'nahsohon Kevin Deer in partnership with Peace Days "How do we interpret the prophetic messages specific to Turtle Island (North America?)"
Kanahsohon Kevin Deer is from Kahnawake Mohawk Territory. For the last 30 years he has been involved in Mohawk language retention and revitalization. He is also a Faithkeeper at the Mohawk Trail Longhouse which involves knowing sacred songs, dances and rituals. He enjoys discussing and presenting the Iroquoian world views, history and philosophy. Among many other leadership roles, he was involved in the Kahnawake Police Commission from 2005 to 2015. In 1990 he was involved in the Oka Crisis using the power of peace to try to resolve that conflict. More recently, in February 2016, he made a presentation on Native spirituality at the United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week in New York, and in August 2016 he did a welcoming and healing ceremony for the World Forum on Theology and Liberation in Montreal. Kevin Deer generously consulted with Temple in the creation of our land acknowledgment and led the ceremony in which it was inaugurated.
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