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Little Hearing, Big Ambitions

Hosted by

All Ages

A unique glimpse into the life of a non-hearing person who lives in a world of hearing people.

Naomi Frumin is the Israel Fellow at Tanger Hillel at Brooklyn College. 

Naomi was born hearing impaired and has been supported with hearing aids since the age of three. Despite being exempt from her army service, she chose to volunteer in the IDF where she became a commander of Garin Tzabar (lone soldiers from all around the world who make Aliyah to serve in the IDF). She commanded over 180 lone soldiers from all over the globe and genuinely loved her service.

Kosher Food

Food Provided


  • Hillel Montreal
    3460 Stanley
    Montréal, QC, H3A 1R8, Canada

Organized By
Hillel Montreal
Co-hosted by
Point of Contact

Nati Benami

  • Mon, Feb 13, 2023
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM EST

Hillel Montreal

3460 Stanley
Montréal, QC, H3A 1R8

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