This extraordinary film follows Israeli diplomat, Asher Naim, on a seemingly insurmountable mission to bring 15,000 Ethiopian Jews to Israel. As he learns more about these African Jews, he finds himself between worlds and faces a crisis of faith in himself and his country. Set in 1991 amidst the international politics behind Operation Solomon, Asher Naim learns he is being sent to Ethiopia to negotiate the release of thousands of Ethiopian Jews from a country collapsing under famine and civil war. Working with his Ethiopian-Israeli colleagues who themselves immigrated to Israel only a decade earlier, Asher’s faith in his mission is tested as he navigates the treacherous world of bureaucracy and politics.
This exclusive screening will feature a live Q&A with Gideon Naim, Asher Naim's son.
Guest speaker Maxyne Finkelstein, President of the Morris and Rosalind Goodman Family Foundation
*Ticket includes 10$ voucher towards refreshments.