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Finding an Apartment

Hosted by

Young Adults

Are you currently or will you soon be looking for an apartment? Overwhelmed with the process? Unaware of all your rights & responsibilities as a (future) tenant? Not having much luck? We can help!

Join Goni for this convenient & informative online workshop about what you need to know in order to find and secure the best apartment you can, given your budget & circumstances.

You are also welcome to send us your questions in advance via the contact information below and we'll be sure to address them during the presentation & discussion.

How to participate

After registering, please check your email for your Registration Email. It contains the link to join the Zoom meeting.

Organized By
Point of Contact

Goni Ketain-Meiri

  • Thu, Sep 1, 2022
  • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDT
  • Online event
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