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Bais Chabad Torah Center

Growth. Connection. Two little words that symbolize what the Sara Tugman Bais Chabad Torah Center stands for. Two big words that tell you whats so special about us.

Many people study or worship at the Torah Center. They come from all sorts of backgrounds, have many different religious affiliations, and function at all levels of Judaic observance. But there is one thing they have in common: they are on a journey of growth - personal, intellectual, emotional, religious. They seek to expand their Jewish horizons, increase their knowledge in areas of Judaism, and for some, to grow in Jewish observance. Bais Chabad is on a crusade against ignorance and inertia. Warmly, gently, humorously, humbly, but persistently, our Rabbis, Rabbi Elimelech and Shneur Silberberg, urge everyone onward and upward, based on the teachings of Chassidism and the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneersohn, o.b.m, that every Jew is precious and important because he is a Jew, and endowed with a G‑dly soul. One more Torah class. Try out a mitzvah. Explore your roots, take one step further on the path of Judaism; tomorrow maybe another. What when how much and how fast is up to you. But take a step forward. As long one lives one must keep on growing.