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Shaarey Zedek Sisterhood

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Congregation Shaarey Zedek

At Shaarey Zedek, our Sisterhood is a very active and involved affiliate. Our mission is to connect the women of this congregation to the synagogue. We work to provide opportunities for mitzvot and spiritual growth; perpetuate conservative/Masorti Judaism through the synagogue, the community and our families; support the Jewish Theological Seminary and its affiliates; and strengthen ties to Israel and Jews around the world. As a Sisterhood member, you are an automatic member of the International Women's League for Conservative Judaism. Our Sisterhood holds this membership with other Conservative Sisterhoods throughout the world. Our flagship event is the Lois Linden Nelson Women's World, which is our major fundraiser. It helps fund our programs that benefit our members and the synagogue. In addition to our other synagogue events, we also sponsor programs throughout the year at the cultural centers in Detroit and at the Jewish Community Center. We also make charitable donations to organizations in need throughout the Detroit metropolitan area. Our organization is operated by a nominated board of directors, which meets throughout the year. As a new synagogue member, your first year's Sisterhood membership is free. Our yearly membership dues also help fund our programs. We encourage all female members of Congregation Shaarey Zedek to join and become active in their Sisterhood.

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Congregation Shaarey Zedek