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Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom

Dedicated, Dynamic, Diverse

As the sole Reform synagogue in Montreal and Eastern Canada, our tent is open to all who wish to enter. Dedicated: We draw on Judaism’s wisdom to nourish a spiritual, educational, and cultural community. We also reach beyond our walls, taking pride in building bridges, promoting dialogue, and creating a world of justice and peace – the work we call Tikkun Olam. Dynamic: We believe that Judaism evolves from generation to generation. Inspired by our traditions, we embrace change; we question, and seek meaningful answers. In this way, our community is both timeless and timely. Diverse: We know that we are better together, and we see our diversity as a blessing. We value accessibility, inclusion and integrity. We continue to grow a community which embraces Jews by birth, Jews by choice, and all those who support them.