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The J's Opening The Doors Program

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The JCC’s Center for Special Education is an umbrella of special needs services engaging 1,200 children, teens and adults of all abilities through: inclusive Jewish classroom experiences, professional development, teen leadership, disability awareness conferences, movie, book and family social events, inclusive camp experiences, vocational training and adult social groups. Opening the Doors Program Opening the Doors, a nationally recognized program, enables 1,100 children with diverse learning differences and unique abilities to participate in a quality, meaningful and inclusive Jewish education. By convening collaborations and working in partnership with schools, educational and mental health organizations, Opening the Doors provides innovative educational and community services which educate, empower, inspire, include and create unimaginable moments for families making dreams of a Jewish education come true, they may not have thought possible. OTD is immeasurably vital to the students with special needs, their families, schools, its leaders and the Jewish community. “No matter what our personal challenges are, we all need to learn. I feel that everyone should have the same opportunity to learn and develop their own spiritual belief as I did, starting as early as possible.” — Max Granitz, college student Together, Opening the Doors increases inclusion and engagement by providing meaningful and rewarding Jewish education for all learners. Together we build community by empowering teachers, teens and families. Together we convene collaborations by working together to providing relevant and supportive services and resources.

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