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The Jewish Community Foundation of Montreal (JCF)

Where Smart Philanthropy Starts

The Jewish Community Foundation of Montreal (JCF) encourages philanthropy by making giving easy, efficient and tax-smart. We provide advice aimed at helping individuals and organizations support the causes they care about, achieve their philanthropic goals and create greater impact. The JCF is a widely trusted organization with a proven track-record of successfully supporting charitable giving. The JCF is a leader in philanthropy and one of the largest community Foundation in Canada. As part of our commitment to growing philanthropy, sharing knowledge, and investing in the community, we have launched the Centre for Philanthropic Learning (CPL). The CPL offers free an ongoing educational experience for select philanthropists, charities, and professionals in Montreal and beyond. The CPL is a knowledge resource on all matters related to charitable giving consisting of trainings, speaker series, and forums for sharing experiences. It includes the following in-person and online sessions.

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