Demons, Dybbuks, And Golems: The World Of Yiddish Folklore - 09/28/2023 - 11/02/2023
While figures such as Maimonides derided magic and superstition, folk beliefs prevail throughout Jewish history and continue to this day. Comprising tales and stories from the ancient, medieval and modern periods, this course will take you on a literary journey through the universe of Jewish folklore. We will look at the origins of Jewish magic, the rise of Jewish mysticism, the roots of the famous Dybbuk story, folk medicine, wonder workers and representations of Jewish folklore in literature.
Instructor: Dr. Avi Blitz
Tuition: $105.00
Day/Time: Thu 7:30 PM - 8:45 PM
Location: This Class will be on ZOOM
Class Dates: 9/28/2023, 10/5/2023, 10/12/2023, 10/19/2023, 10/26/2023, 11/2/2023